Aloha mai kākou
All things hacking from me, mahaloz. If you’re looking for a specific category of posts, like research, take a look at the /tags page; otherwise, you can find all posts here. You can also find an Atom (RSS-like) feed at /feed.
- [ 2025-01-29 ] Decompiling 2024: A Year of Resurgence in Decompilation Research
- [ 2024-01-10 ] 30 Years of Decompilation and the Unsolved Structuring Problem: Part 2
- [ 2024-01-02 ] 30 Years of Decompilation and the Unsolved Structuring Problem: Part 1
- [ 2023-02-25 ] PwnAgent: A One-Click WAN-side RCE in Netgear RAX Routers with CVE-2023-24749
- [ 2022-09-23 ] Tips and tricks for reversing foreign architecture games
- [ 2022-02-07 ] Insomnihack22: Reversing a flawed ECC rng-as-a-service Go Server
- [ 2021-10-03 ] Tasteless 21: Godot Game Hacking in Tasteless Shores
- [ 2020-09-13 ] Exploiting a custom tetris game in CSAW Quals 2020
- [ 2020-08-30 ] Reversing printf-as-a-VM service in Google Quals 2020
- [ 2020-04-14 ] Lambda calculus challenges for ASU Undergrads
- [ 2020-02-14 ] Reversing a game implemented in a rom-to-eng translator in HackTM 2020
- [ 2020-02-13 ] Pwning the boot process: Uboot CVE-2019-13103 to CVE-2019-13106
- [ 2019-10-21 ] I'll Crash your Netflix TV: finding CVE-2019-10028